The Holidays – Real or Artificial Christmas Trees?

Today I wanted to talk to all of you about your holiday trees! I would like to know how many of you put your Christmas Tree or Holiday Tree up right after Thanksgiving? How many of you do it in early December and how many of you wait until the last minute?

Second, how many of you use real trees and how many of you use artificial trees? Why do you choose to real or faux Christmas/Holiday trees?

My family always puts up our Christmas tree the first weekend in December and it’s a big old family affair! While the tree is going up, we play holiday music and bake a few dozen cookies. We use a 7 foot tall artificial tree because I am actually allergic to pine trees and so is my 27 year old daughter!

Since I had to go “faux”, I made sure that we got a very high quality faux tree that looks absolutely REAL. I cover up all of that “faux-ness” by melting “pine scented” tart melts in my tart warmer so it always smells good in here!

So, tell us all about your holiday tree! We would love to hear about it!