Smart Chefs Stay Slim by Allison Adato Book Review
What if I told you there is a book of secrets on how to cook easily at home and keep it healthy too. When we watch our favorite cooking shows on TV or go to a fancy restaurant, have you ever wondered how the chefs stay slim and healthy? Here is a book loaded with 92 tips, tricks – well lessons really, of famous chefs and some fabulous recipes! Check this out…
Thomas Keller, Cat Cora, Rick Bayless, Eric Ripert, Sue Torres – All geniuses in the kitchen, no doubt, but they have something else in common, too. They all manage to stay fit, while being constantly surrounded by the richest, most decadent, most delicious food in the world.
How do they do it?
That was the question that award-winning journalist and People Magazine senior editor Allison Adato set out to explore in:
Lessons in Eating and Living from America’s Best Chefs
by Allison Adato
Foreword by Art Smith
NAL Trade Paperback; 978-0-451-23930-3
Publish date: December 31, 2012
This book goes into detail about topics that parents everywhere will be dying to hear:
* How chefs like Cat Cora, Marc Murphy, Ming Tsai and Naomi Pomeroy feed their kids
* Chefs’ tips for introducing your children to the healthy foods you want to eat as a family (and getting off the mac + cheese or chicken fingers train)
* What great chefs like Michael Symon, Wolfgang Puck, Michelle Bernstein and others learned from their own parents (even when mom and dad were terrible cooks!)
Alison, the author of Smart Chefs is a mom — find out what she changed about how she feeds her family while talking to 40 of the country’s best chefs
SMART CHEFS STAY SLIM will help keep New Year’s resolutions to:
· Cook at home more (without creating a lot of work and mess). Best news: Restaurant chefs don’t cook at home like they cook at work—they’re just like us and don’t want a lot of pots to clean up. Which famous chef uses a toaster oven for dinner? Which likes take-out roast chicken? Who cops to instant oatmeal?
· Eat more vegetables (and make them taste terrific)
· Choose meals with less fat and calories — but much more flavor and satisfaction.
· Why you should never give up dessert—especially chocolate—even if you’re dieting
With a foreword by Art Smith, SMART CHEFS STAY SLIM is a beautifully written, fun and accessible journey into the private world of some of the best chefs in the world.
Recipes include Rick Bayless’s Grilled Chicken Salad with Rustic Guacamole, Ming Tsai’s Pork Fried Rice, Andrea Reusing’s Warm Asparagus Salad with Soft-boiled Eggs, Simpson Wong’s Hangover Soup, Karen Hatfield’s Apple Galette and much more.
My Thoughts:
I was so excited to read this book. I love watching cooking shows and while I never cook like that, I too want to know how they stay slim and in shape while tasting food and being around food all day long. Plus who wants to come home and cook after cooking all day? I had to read these tips and secrets!
I have to say that I learned so much about cooking simply from these chefs! I am a good cook but some days I get so lazy that pulling something prepared or boxed out of the pantry is about all I want to do. But I know it is not good food. The tips shared in this book showed me that braising some veggies, throwing a quick salad together and an easy protein is all a great meal has to be. Add some fruit and yogurt as a delicious dessert and you are done. Simple ingredients and simple preparation make for a fabulous taste.
I am by no means a fancy cook, but I tend to get wrapped up in the fact that I have to cook and make it harder than it needs to be. The tips and tricks that the chefs share in this book are simple and make sense! Some of them we know we should be doing like eating breakfast everyday and make it a family meal. But how about one pot meals? Many chefs love them. Here is a great tip – Use fresh ingredients including fresh herbs for more pleasurable taste. Here is an important one – your protein does not need to be the biggest part of the plate.
This book has quickly become a favorite of mine! I am going back through it and highlighting the tips and lessons that made the biggest impression on me so I can add these into my families eating plan. I love that these chefs are open and shared their eating struggles with us. They are human too and everyone has their vices; it is all about how to control them and incorporate them correctly into your diet. I am going to get healthier this coming year and this book is going to help me get there!
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Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.