Looking for New Ways to Get My Fruits and Veggies

Sad to say but I am not the greatest healthy eater around. In fact, I am a pretty poor eater. I wasn’t even raised that way so I think most of it is due to the fact that I am a lazy cook, for the most part. That is a pretty sad thing to admit and trust me, I feel guilty about it all the time.

Much of my issue stems from working so much. I don’t get to the store as often as I should for fresh fruits and veggies so I am always on the look out for products that can help supplement with the nutrients that I need. One of the products I have come across lately is Xango. This product is made from the Mangosteen fruit and I have heard that it is loaded with super compounds and phytonutrients that help to support immune systems, respiratory health, joints and intestinal health. No only that, I read that it is also loaded with goodness to help with heart health and it supports your metabolism. It is hard to imagine one juice can do all of that.

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Getting fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter can be tough, even where I live in the fruit and salad bowl of California, during the winter months. The product is trucked in or shipped in for all over the world and goodness only knows how long it has been sitting before we can buy it, let alone consume it. I think a lot of nutrients are long gone by the time it hits the table and our tummies. Supplements are almost a necessity these days!

Have you every tried Xango? I have been looking around a great supplement program and with all of the other products Xango offers, like vitamins and energy supplements and more, it looks like something that could give and overall health boost to me and my family.

Now that the craziness of the holiday season is here, I think it would be an awesome time to add this to my diet so that I can stop feeling so guilty and know that I am giving my body some of the nutrients that I know it is missing. That makes me feel better already!

Disclaimer: I was compensated by the advertiser to write this post. I was provided with the subject matter to write about but the thoughts, opinions and words are 100% mine. All information contained on this blog is copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved.