Travel Tips – Save Time, Money and Space with Travel-Size Products
I am really nervous! I am getting ready for my trip next week and everyone around me is getting sick! ACK! Thankfully no one here has anything yet, but I am getting prepared just in case. You know when you take time off and start to relax after working hard, that is when you get sick. No way I want illness on my vacation! So I am packing my bags with some affordable, travel-size necessities, timed perfect to the holiday travel season.
We are fresh off of Thanksgiving, where approximately 43 million Americans traveled at least 50 miles from home, and Christmas and New Year’s are just around the corner. I am sure even more people will be traveling and studies say the risk of catching a cold while traveling on an airplane is as high as 20%. When traveling, our bodies become more susceptible to illness, so it is important to take the necessary steps to help protect again the transference of cough and cold germs.
Here is what I have found to take with me to protect my and family from those nasty germs!
Purell’s New Personal Pump Bottle Instant Hand Sanitizer – This for me is #1 on the list. I do not want to think about who has touched stuff with dirty, nasty hands before me so I have several stashed in the car, in my purse and in my tote bag so we can have access anytime it is needed to kill germs.
Cold-EEZE® QuickMelts – Okay, this product is really cool in that it is homeopathic cold remedy in the event that we do catch something. This is loaded with Chamomile, Melatonin, and Zinc Gluconate Glycine to help kick the cold quickly. I found Daytime/Nightime combo box that will be perfect and I really love the Quickmelts so you can just pop them on your tongue and it goes to work. Very cool.
Chapstick Limited Edition Holiday Flavors – I am grabbing several of these for the guys because they don’t do girly lip balm stuff and when the heater is running or someone does get a cold, dry lips are miserable to have as well. Plus these come in nice flavors like Candy Cane, Chocolate Truffle, and Apple Cider this year. Okay, I did grab an extra one for me. I could not pass on Chocolate! LOL
Along with some extra tissues, sanitizing wipes and my regular medicine kit with aspirin, bandages and things like that, I think these are a great addition to my traveling necessities. These are going to remain on my list for every trip!
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