Finding Your Way in a Wild New World by Martha Beck
Sometimes I find myself wondering if I am doing what I am supposed to be doing in my life. Like you, I am mom, wife, daughter, sister, caretaker, businesswoman, nurse, cook, bookkeeper and so many other things. But am I doing what really makes me whole and happy? We spend so much time working and being busy that it is hard to sit and reflect on whether we are on the right path. I often wonder if I am in the right business. Am I really doing what fulfills me?
If you have had those thoughts too, then there is an answer out there. New from Life Coach Martha beck is a self-help book of sorts, that can open the doors to your deepest needs and help you find them to be fulfilled in this life.
Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want
By Martha Beck
Imprint: Atria Books
Format: Trade Paperback
Publication date: January 1, 2013
ISBN-13: 9781451624601
eBook: 978-1-4516-2461-8
In FINDING YOUR WAY IN A WILD NEW WORLD: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want (Atria Books, January 1, 2013, $15.00), Martha Beck—renowned life coach and bestselling author of Finding Your Own North Star—offers a remarkable path to the most important discovery one can make: the knowledge of what you should be doing with your one wild and precious life.
With clear, concrete instructions on tapping into the deep, wordless knowledge we all carry in our body and soul, Martha Beck guides us to find out how we got to where we are now and what we should do next.
Beck has found that there are certain people who sense that they are called to do something fulfilling and significant, but who often get caught in self-destructive, unproductive cycles. FINDING YOUR WAY IN A WILD NEW WORLD is the book that will lead them to unleash their incredible creative energy—and fulfill their life’s purpose.
With her inimitable ability to translate inner life into accessible, witty, sparkling prose, Beck draws from ancient wisdom and modern science to help readers consciously embrace their skills and create the life they really want. What she’s found is that these people with great passion, empathy, and creative potential often sense a higher calling—in a society where that calling isn’t even recognized as real. They often have within them a quiet power that could change the world; they lack only the tools.
Beck offers real, actionable methods to tap into that power. She shows people how to find their inner identity and their external “tribe” of like-minded people. She demonstrates the four simple tools for transformation: Wordlessness, Oneness, Imagination, and Creation.
With clear step-by-step instructions and guided reflections, Beck shows how to drop into the wordless state of communion with nature and self, how people can experience for themselves the oneness between them and the universe, how to be empowered by the spark of inspiration, and, finally, how to take action and realize creative potential to make a lasting impact on the world.
Compassionate and inspirational, FINDING YOUR WAY IN A WILD NEW WORLD is a revolutionary journey of self-discovery that leads to miraculous change.
My thoughts:
They say hind sight is 20/20 but what about the future? Wouldn’t it be cool to see the future and then look back to see if we really are on the right path for happiness and success in our life? I have found that even “successful” (whatever that is) people are not happy or fulfilled in their careers or lives they have created. I wanted to review this book because I think about my choices and often wonder if I am where I am supposed to be, doing what fulfills me.
This book is about a life’s journey into your own soul. For some that is a scary place. I think I am one of those. I keep my feelings very close to myself and am rather private. I do not like sharing a lot of myself even with myself, if you know what I mean. “I y’am who I y’am”, so says Popeye. But in order for me to see where my soul wants to be, then I need to open the gates and look inside.
Finding your Way in a Wild New World is a story of adventure and change but it is also a journey loaded with activities and techniques that will help you look inside yourself. The author teaches you how to become Wordless and feel deep inside your soul. She brings you to Oneness with people and things so you can feel the power and love you have inside for yourself and others. She covers topics that affect your entire you from nutrition to your strong and kind mind.
Working with your Imagination is a 3rd key and it will help you with solving problems. There are techniques that you can learn to help you to find what is bothering you and solve them. The Author shows how most problems are based in thought – what you think will happen, will indeed happen! But we can change the process and this book will show you how.
The last Area to help you get in touch with your needs and desires is called Forming. This is where your desires of the heart and mind come into being.
Can it really be as simple as all this – to find the desire and goals of your heart and mind? By using this book, the answer is yes. I am still working through many of these processes on my own and I am excited to someday know the answer as only I can know it as to where I am and where I want to be going. I know it will be an awesome journey.
Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.