Winners for November 26th, 2012
Good Morning Everyone! How was your weekend? Boss lady took a 4-day weekend so I was left to play and PLAY I did! LOL Just kidding! I did have a busy 4-day holiday though…trying to get the house in order so we can move-in! Ran into a few snags over the weekend and I am not very happy with Comcast today! They were supposed to have our phone, cable and internet all hooked up over a week ago…but yet, it still isn’t. Now they are telling us it will be Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Well, I am telling them…I am NOT paying for the past 9 days when we didn’t have it! geesh. Not a good way to start off with me for sure!
Anyway, We had a few giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.
Winner for the Ballerina Dance with Me Doll from is… ivy arrington
Winner for the Irish Sweater from Aran Sweater Market giveaway is… Crystal Famania
Congrats to both of our winners! We will be emailing you shortly so that you can claim your prizes! Enjoy your Monday 🙂