Thanksgiving Turkey – Stuffing In or Out

Thanksgiving Turkey

For many American families, the Thanksgiving Turkey is a family tradition. While some families enjoy the stuffing in the bird and others enjoy it out & on the side. For my family, we always roast our Thanksgiving Turkey with the stuffing inside the bird.

With that said, my brother is a total “out-of-the-bird” type of guy and will not eat stuffing if it was roasted inside the bird. He said it tastes gooey and he just doesn’t like his stuffing done that way.

I would love to know a few things about your “stuffing” habits!

1. Do you make your Thanksgiving Turkey with the stuffing in the bird or out? Why or why not do you do it this way?

2. Is your stuffing homemade or from a boxed mix?

3. For those of you who make your stuffing from scratch, do you have any recipes to share with us? If so, leave them in our blog’s comment form and if we like them, we can post them here on our blog for everyone to see!

4. When it comes to roasting your holiday turkey, do you follow a special family recipe? What do you do to your turkey to season it up, and make it taste good?

We would love to hear all about your Thanksgiving Turkey and/or Stuffing tips!

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