Snowy Owl at Hershey ZooAmerica
A few weeks ago we took the family to Zoo America here in Hershey Pennsylvania and had a wonderful time. We are very fortunate that we only live about 10 minutes from Zoo America and visit the zoo as often as we can.
For those of you who are not familiar with our area, Zoo America sits alongside Hershey Amusement Park and all of the animals at Zoo America are native to North America. You won’t find lions, leopards, zebra, etc….just North American animals like:
* Bears
* Praire Dogs
* Snakes
* Canadian Lynx
* Owls
* Moose and Deer
* Otters
* Falcons and Eagles
* Gray Wolf
* American Buffalo
* etc.
Our Zoo America is relatively small when you compare it to other “big city” zoos but we are awfully proud of our little zoo.
The photo I am featuring this week for our almost Wordless Wednesday is one I took a few weeks ago of the beautiful Snowy Owl. I am a huge owl lover, so I always appreciate it when I get to see an owl, especially Snowy Owls or Barn Owls! Enjoy!