Signs of the Fall Season

Fall Foliage in Pennsylvania

My “Almost Wordless Wednesday” post for this week features 2 photos that I took about 14 days ago that show the signs of the Fall season. In the first one, you can see the beautiful color-change of the leaves. In the second one, you can see what happens to those leaves 2 weeks later.

I love looking at the Fall Foliage here in the North East as it is absolutely beautiful. However, I hate what comes after it…naked trees, brown moldy leaves and then… the snow and ice move in. Sigh….I hope Spring gets here sooner, than later!

Fall Foliage in Pennsylvania

In the first photo, if you look REALLY close at the top of the tree you will see what looks to be a “bird nest” but trust me, it’s not a bird’s nest! It is a squirrel’s nest! We have had big issues for the past 9 months with an over-abundance of squirrels here in our neighborhood and many of us swear that more squirrels live here than humans!

I hope everyone has a great Fall season because….Winter will be here before you know it!