Top 8 Items Needed for a Holiday Road Trip

Top 8 Items Needed for a Holiday Road Trip When I think of holiday memories from my childhood, I think about all of those fun family holiday trips that we used to take. Sometimes my parents would load us kids up in the car and we would go visit family members and at other times they would load us up and we would head to a mountain ski lodge.

Our holiday destinations always changed and I was very fortunate that my family loved to travel, even during the busy and fast paced holiday season. I am also blessed that my family preferred to travel by car and not by air. Why you might ask? Well, we were able to see and do more things by traveling by car, and we could take our time and do some “unplanned” things too!

Hubby and I are thinking about hitting the road this holiday season and traveling South to visit some of his extended family members. A few live in Virginia Beach and a few others live in Savanah, so it should be a fun and exciting trip for us both! (Plus, it gets us out of the cold and icy weather of Pennsylvania).

I started making a list of all of the things I would need for our upcoming holiday trip and realized that I need to get busy shopping, planning and packing for this upcoming trip! It will be here before we know it!

Top 8 Items Needed for a Holiday Road Trip

So far, here is what I have on our “Must-Have” packing list:

1. GPS System – I am really great at navigating the roads but my husband is NOT! We never take a road trip without our handy, dandy GPS system!

2. iPad and Laptop – When we travel, we always take our iPad and our Laptop computers. We use the iPad for quick online communications or for looking up an attraction or local accomodation while out on the road. We use our Laptop once we reach our destination to keep in-touch with family & friends and for watching DVD movies in our hotel room.

3. Books – Hubby and I each take along a good book that we want to read and we take along a few puzzle books to keep us busy during the long drive or during the days that we have unfavorable weather.

4. Snack Bags – A few days before our trip I like to hit our kitchen and do some baking. I usually make up a batch of brownies, dozen or so cookies, homemade granola bars and a few other tasty treats. I then pack them up for our road trip so that we have things to snack on in the car, besides chocolate candy bars & potato chips.

5. Games – Hubby and I love to play games so when we hit the road for a big trip, we pack a few travel-size games to take along with us! Some of these games are little electronic hand-held games and others are miniature versions of classic board games.

6. Romance & Pampering Items – Yes, I did say that!!! We no longer have children at home so when we travel, it is “all about us”. I like to pack a small tote bag of bubble baths, body lotions, candles and other romance/pampering items to take along on our trips! wootwoot!

7. Holiday Gifts – Since this will be a holiday road trip, I will need to make sure that I have all holiday gifts purchased, gift wrapped and ready-to-go for our big trip!

8. Extra Cash & Credit Cards – Believe it or not, last year when we took a road trip, my husband had completely forgotten his wallet! Oh my gosh! Thankfully, I had mine with me and I could pay for and cover all of our expenses. With that said, Cash & Credit Cards ALWAYS make my list now!

Over the next few days, I am sure my list is going to grow substancially and I am hoping that all of you can help me out with that! I would love to hear your suggestions on what I need to pack and prepare for our upcoming holiday road trip.

I want to be thoroughly prepared this time around and hopefully, hubby and I will have no unexpected surprises.

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