Holiday Gift Choices for the Coin Collector
Every year I struggle with what to buy my brother for Christmas and this year is no exception! My brother has just about everything he needs, so this year I decided to buy him a gift that relates to his coin collecting hobby.
Since I am no expert in this particular hobby, I had to get online and do some extensive research on what to buy for him. I found a great online store that is jam-packed with wonderful coin collecting products and one of the things I found on their site was the 1 oz gold american eagle coin.
I know that this is an expensive gift to give to him, but he has been volunteering his help over at the house during our massive remodel and I think he deserves a really nice gift this holiday season.
In addition, I know that this gift is an investment and it’s value will increase over time. I know that he plans on passing down his massive coin collection to his sons once they become adults, so I am hoping it will become a family heirloom treasure.
While browsing this one particular web site, I also found some really cool looking American Eagle Silver Coins, which are a little cheaper. Sigh, I am not sure if I should invest in the gold one or get the silver one. Thoughts?
For my nephews (his sons) who are just beginning their own collections, I am thinking about picking up some coin collecting supplies and books, which this store also carries. My nephews are 14 and 11 years old.
Do any of you collect coins? If so, got any advice to give to me on what I should be buying my brother and my two nephews? I would love to hear it!