Embarrassing Things our Grandchildren Get Us to Do

Pappy and the PrincessMy almost Wordless Wednesday photo for today is one that I took a couple of weeks ago of my husband and 3 year old grand daughter. Our grand daughter was playing “The Princess and the Green Frog” with us and guess what? Hubby got nominated to be the green frog! hahaha!

I think she makes an adorable little princess but frankly, hubby looks ridiculous with his neon green pig tail headband on! ROFL! We laughed and laughed for hours over this! When our daughter was little, I don’t remember him going to such great lengths to embarrass himself…but he sure will do all of those “embarrassing” things for our little Gia!

Any of you grand parents? If so, what kind of “embarrassing” things will you do for your grandchildren?