Advice Please – Dealing with an Abundance of Squirrels


Several of our blog readers follow me personally on Twitter and/or on Facebook, and for the past 9 months, I have been griping up a storm about the neighborhood squirrels. Let me explain to all of you again…what has been going on.

For the past year, we have noticed an over abundance of squirrels living here in our neighborhood. Matter of fact, I swear there are more squirrels, than humans here. I think the squirrels are indeed cute and fun to watch…but…and that is a big BUT…they also cause a lot of damage!

During the past year I have had my bird houses and bird feeders destroyed, cushions to my patio furniture destroyed, screens ripped out of my windows, outdoor cable & electrical wiring chewed up, rain spouts torn down and all kinds of other things. Seriously, this gang of squirrels has cost us a lot of money and have done a lot of damage around here!!!

I am a total animal and nature lover, so I don’t want any harm to come to the squirrels, but I do want them to find another place to call HOME! I have tried some of the “natural” remedies that I have found online and prayed that they would move out, but that hasn’t occurred.

Today, I am asking our blog readers if they have any recommendations? Shooting them or killing them is NOT an option for me!!! Please let me know if you have any suggestions for us that may drive the squirrels out to a new home.