Nothing Like a Plumbing Mishap to Ruin a Romantic Date!

White Bathroom ToiletA few weeks ago my husband and I took a week long trip up to Canada and rented a cozy little cottage right outside of Toronto. We took this trip as a little “Wedding Anniversary” reward to ourselves for being married 24 glorious years.

Well, we got all settled into our cottage and decided to go to bed early on that first night, because we had spent 16 1/2 hours traveling. About 2 hours after we fell asleep, we hear a loud boom and then a flooding sound of water! Oh my gosh, I was freaking scared out of my daylights!

After some investigation, hubby finds a huge clog in the toilet and the water pressure was blowing the water back out of the toilet and over the toilet rim. There was about 6″ of water all across the bathroom floor.

The cottage owners were out of town, so we knew we needed to find a plumber toronto fast! We got the neighbors up in the cottage next to us and they told us exactly who to call.

plumbing tools and pipes

Within one hour of us placing the call, two very nice plumbers arrived and worked on the problem. Well, apparently the renters before us had a few kids and one of them decided to flush a pair of “socks” down the toilet. These socks couldn’t pass through the pipes and well…you can guess the rest of that story! LOL

These guys were super nice and got the problem fixed up and even cleaned up the mess for us. What a relief it was to have some professionals come in and handle the job! We finally were able to get back into bed around 5am that morning and slept like babies the rest of the day.

To this day, my hubby “teases” me about our “romantic” vacation to Canada and the plumbing mishap we experienced!

Have any of you ever experienced a plumbing mishap while traveling? If so, what kind of mishap was it?