Meet Princess Jackie-Lantern

Princess Jack-o-lantern for HalloweenA few weeks ago we took Princess Gia to the local Pumpkin Patch to pick some pumpkins for Halloween. After spending an hour at the Pumpkin Patch, she selected 2 beautiful pumpkins. We brought them home and her daddy asked her what kind of design she wanted for her pumpkin. She is into everything related to “Princesses” right now so…she wanted a “Princess” Jack-o-lantern.

Her daddy carved a princess crown at the top of her pumpkin and if you look close at the photo, you will see the princess crown! LOL Anyway, Princess Gia decided to name her Halloween pumpkin ~ Princess Jackie-Lantern! They have one of those nifty battery operated candles inside Jackie and at night…she does look quite beautiful! hahahaha!

So there you have it….my Almost Wordless Wednesday post for this week!