This week I am on vacation with my wonderful hubby down at the Jersey Shore and having a fabulous time! We have been hitting the beach every day, enjoying fabulous seafood, taking beach walks and just relaxing!
When we were down in June…we acted like tourists and this time around, back to our normal routine of just being lazy on the beach. For those of you who don’t know this…the Jersey Shore is our summer home but lately, we don’t spend time here like we should. We are working on changing that!
Yesterday we were over on the beach for a few hours and had it all to ourselves! The weather is absolutely gorgeous here this week with temps around 79-80 and low humidty. Tons and tons of cloudless blue skys and warm sunshine! Now this is living and I am LOVING it! wootwoot!
I hope everyone enjoys their week!
Love to go to Seaside Heights, like it much better than Point Pleasant beach
Have a wonderful and enjoyable time. There is nothing like having the beach to yourself and beautiful temps. I love every second I’m ever down the shore.I hate leaving. 🙂
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com