Awesome and Delicious Almonds
I love almonds and the fact that they are a very healthy nut makes me feel a bit better since I eat quite a bit of them. I love almond butter and other almond based products too. Since I moved to the Valley of California from the Bay Area, I have become a bit spoiled from the fresh fruit and nuts that I can get relatively easily and at an awesome price.
Today I want to share with you another one of our famous crops here in the Central Valley. Almonds are a huge part of our crops here and my husband’s family owns a lot of acreage of almond orchards here too. The harvest is always an interesting time here in the Valley with the dust and dirt from the shakers and harvesters but the good part is the amazing nut that comes from it all. An Almond tree that produces the type of nut that we enjoy is actually an Almond Tree stock grafted onto a Peach tree stock and from that new tree comes the Almond that we know.
Here is a couple of photos to enjoy and harvest is coming up next month and it will be a record year! So enjoy your Almonds!