My Son is Updating His Skillset with Final Cut Pro Courses
Like any teenager, my son is addicted to the world of electronics and all of the awesome things that they can do. He and his friends have been taking videos of themselves doing wacky crazy things for 4 or 5 years now. He loves to edit them, add music and comments to make them funny or serious. I think it is awesome that he has self taught some of these skills. With that said and since he is almost 17, I thought it would be an great idea to introduce him to the world of real video editing, so I started looking around for some Final Cut Pro courses.
I found a site that teaches all types of different media and software courses and even offers certifications in many of them too. My son is really interested in music and video so by taking his self taught stuff and bringing it to a professional level, I think that would open up so many opportunities for him to make money and many even a career by becoming a professional video editor.
There are a couple of different Final Cut Pro courses that he can take here, from beginner to advanced while learning the system. He can also take further software training courses to advance his learning even more with Compressor. Where ever he wants to take his skills when he is done; it is up to him.
What a great idea this is! I am so glad I thought of it. haha… I also spied a few courses that I would not mind taking to improve my own skillset as well. We always have to learning to be earning!
Disclaimer: This is a partnered post for The Training Farm, however, all the points and views are my own.