Shopping for Used Cars in Tampa

My cousin Jenny just moved to the Tampa area a few weeks ago and since that time, she has been busy purchasing things that she needs. She left most of her big stuff, including her second vehicle up here in Pennsylvania, because she will only be living in Tampa for 3 years. (part of her work agreement).

Anyway, she was telling me that she was out shopping a few days ago and trying to find a good used car in Tampa and was finding a lot of them that fit within her price range. One of the things she is really trying to find is a used car with low mileage that has an extended warranty program.

She isn’t looking for a big gas hog vehicle, but rather a good family sized car that gets around 30 mpg, as the car will be their second car and mainly used to run errands.

One thing she told me that was very helpful to her was finding some really good online used car videos that really helped to narrow down her choices. She loves that she can see a lot about the vehicle before she even steps foot on the auto dealer’s car lot. Isn’t that cool? I think so!

I am glad Jenny told me about all of this as hubby and I will be shopping for a used truck come the end of summer and I want it to be a quick and painless shopping adventure. He needs a bigger Ford F 150 truck for work so it’s on our shopping to-do list for August.

Do any of you live in the Tampa Bay area? When it comes to shopping for new or used vehicles, is it something you enjoy or despise? Do you have any tips to share with all of us?