My Daughter is Going Back to School to get her MBA
My daughter is going to be 27 years old come the middle of June and is a single mother raising a 3 year old little girl. She works a full-time job and is looking into going back to school to get an MBA Full time. While she has her hands full now, she does realize the importance of continuing her education, so that she can promote up in her chosen career.
Right now she is the office manager for a home medical prescription RX company and she would like to promote up to a corporate manager. To get that particular job spot she will need an MBA in business before she applies for the new position. If even she doesn’t get that position, she knows that having an MBA will open up many career opportunities for her.
My husband and I have been helping her look around for a good Full Time MBA program and while it has taken us a few weeks, we have narrowed it down to a few qualified schools.
We were a little worried about the cost since we promised her that we would help out financially, but we were pleasantly surprised to find that there are a lot of scholarships and funding opportunities out there. Due to her income and being a single mother, she qualifies for many of them. Yeah, what a relief!
She told us earlier today that her place of employment has agreed to let her cut back her hours, so that she can attend school full-time. Instead of working 40 hours a week now, she will only be working 28 hours a week which allows her to attend school.
She is a such an intelligent girl and we are super proud of her decision to further her education. We are going to help her out financially and we will be helping to watch our grand-daughter while she attends her classes and does her studying. Jen is really excited about this new career move and we are excited for her.
Are any of you still in school and furthering your education? Anyone studying for their MBA? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts on this along with any tips you may have that I can pass along to my daughter. Thanks!