My Aunt Fell and Broke Her Back
Well, the past 9 days have been super busy and super stressful for me and today, I am going to tell you all why.
My husband and I are primary caregivers to my great aunt who is 87 years old. This great aunt is more like a grandma to me because she helped my single mother raise my brother and me. My auntie and uncle never had any children of their own, so we became their grandchildren.
My uncle passed away almost 3 years ago and since that time we have been taking care of my great auntie. It has been a long and stressful time since we took over this job, because she is really “set” in her ways.
Anyway, last Tuesday she fell and didn’t tell anyone about it until Thursday. She called mom and I up and was crying in pain from her back. She refused to go to the ER until the next day. Once she finally gave in and went we learned that she fractured her back and herniated two disks. Ugh!
My auntie is on medicare and thank goodness she has a medicare supplement, because this ER visit and surgical treatment she now needs would cost a small fortune!
We have her scheduled for back surgery and bone cementing come next week so for now, we are trying to make her as comfortable as possible. After that has been completed she will need to do 6-10 weeks at an outpatient rehab facility to hopefully gain back some of the mobility she has lost from her accident.
Health Care costs are just through the roof these days and I am so glad that we took out that supplement to help cover what regular medicare doesn’t cover.
Anyway, that is my update for today. Hopefully next week things will calm down again and I can get back on track again. Prayers for my great aunt would be appreciated!