Thinking About Trying Laser Tattoo Removal
About 25 years ago I walked into a crappy tattoo shop while we were on vacation down at the Jersey Shore and got my very first tattoo. At the time, I was pretty stoked about that tattoo until I got my second one a year later.
What I realized that second time was that my first tattoo was pretty crappy. The tattoo artist (if you can call him an artist), did a really horrible job on my tattoo. I asked him for a very detailed leopard paw print and had him ink it on my left calf. It was supposed to be about 4″ in diameter but ended up only being 2 1/2″ in size.
Over the years, that crappy tattoo got even uglier. It has faded and lost a lot of it’s color and I just hate it! I try to cover it up with Derma Blend when I wear shorts and skirts as I don’t like other people seeing it. I do have 4 other tattoos that I absolutely love…but that first one, well…it totally stinks!
My aunt lives in Texas, so I have been thinking about tattoo removal in Austin, since she knows a really good tattoo laser clinic there. She told me that several of her friends had some of their tattoos removed via the laser procedure and got good results with it. Have any of you ever had a tattoo removed via the laser? If so, what kind of results did you get?
I think I am definitely going to try it and if it works, I will be extremely happy to have that crappy tattoo gone. Once I get that taken care of, I want to get a new tattoo across my upper back with my little grand daughters name on it. I am thinking about a tinker bell or a princess fairy for that since Gia loves those two things.
So ladies, if you have tried the laser tattoo removal procedure, I would love to hear all about it. Please leave me your comments and feedback below. Thanks!!!