Send Mom a Mother’s Day Bouquet
I just love getting fresh flowers delivered, don’t you? It makes you feel so special, like someone thought really highly of you and you are a treasured being. Sending Mom flowers on Mother’s Day is a time honored tradition yet you want to make sure they are super special.
I was so lucky to be sent a beautiful Mother’s Day Bouquet from the folks at Send Flowers. I received a beautiful pink floral arrangement that is just the perfect one to send to your Mom this Mother’s Day. Hint Hint!
This lovely bouquet landed on my doorstep just as fresh as can be. The Send Flowers Pink Celebration Bouquet is arranged by a local florist with Pink Roses, Hot Pink Daisies and Asiatic Lilies in a lovely glass vase. It was topped off with a lovely pink ribbon and it was glorious!
I was really pleased to see lovely tight buds on several of the stems which meant I was going to be enjoying these fresh flowers for several days. The flowers were all very fresh and it smelled lovely as the flowers continued to bloom this week. It looks so beautiful on my table! It made me feel great even though it was a review item and not from my family member. Fresh Flowers in general just make me smile. They are a great pick me up!
With Mother’s Day coming up soon, now is a great time to get your orders in early for this gorgeous Send Flowers Pink Celebration Bouquet. Your mom will love it and heck, you can even treat yourself and send one to yourself anonymously. What the heck! LOL Make the Hubby wonder a bit. TeeHee!
Swing by the site and see the other beautiful specials they have going on for Mother’s Day and everyday. I know you will find the perfect one that your mom and you will enjoy immensely. Happy Mother’s Day!
Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Affiliate Links may be included in this publication.