Mini Blinds – A Cleaning Nightmare

Cleaning Bucket with Supplies

Last year my husband and I both developed some really weird and severe allergies, so one of the things our doctor told us to do was to dump as many “fabric” items from our master bedroom that we could.

After him giving us the lecture about dust mites and allergens we decided to invest in mini blinds and to get rid of all of our curtains in our master bedroom. Well, those mini blinds have been up for almost 8 months now and got pretty dirty. Earlier today we took them down to give them a good cleaning.

Oh My Gosh! I had no idea what I was in for! Those mini blinds are heavy and super hard to clean. I ended up putting them out on the patio and sprayed them down with my Simple Green all-purpose cleaner. I left them sit for about 15 minutes and then hosed them off again. We then hung them up on a clothes line to drip dry.

A little bit ago I watched hubby hang them all back up again. Sigh, this mini blind cleaning process took hours of our time and both of us got our hands cut up by the mini blind slats. There has got to be a better way to clean mini blinds!!!

So today, I would like to ask our readers about how they go about cleaning their mini blinds? I desperately need some tips and ideas as I want to tackle our one guest room next weekend and that room has 4 mini blinds in it. Ugh!!! Please give me some ideas on how to clean them (quickly and easily) in our comment form below.


  1. We had mini blinds a few years ago and I hated cleaning them too. I bought the wider slat ones when we moved a few years ago and love the look of them but they are still a pain to clean. I try to keep them dusted by running the hand attachment from the vacuum over them, but it’s hard to keep up with all the dust. Wish I had a housekeeper 🙂

  2. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I’m sorry you had such a difficult time cleaning the mini blinds. Now that they are clean use the Swiffer to keep it clean with the fabric softener sheets too. That’s what I’ve been using.

  3. Here is how I do mine, I took some of the holders you know the things that you screw in the window to hold them there, and took them outside and screwed them on the storage shed. When I am ready to clean them I take them out there hang them, spray them with water then with scrubing bubbles and spray them off, and they are clean, then just leave them hang till they are dry. it is by far the best way I have found to clean them.

  4. Ann Harrison says

    I was looking for a cleaning solution for the mini blinds as well. These are wonderful suggestions. I’ll try them today :->

  5. Get a mini blind duster or one of the flexible swiffer or pledge ones that lets you get int every spot. Personally I use a rag with cleaning solution and wipe them off

    • Well Ding, I was thinking about having you come over and clean them for me next time around? Would you do that for your bestest friend and biz partner?

  6. Marisa May says

    I can agree with how tedious they can be to clean. I usually just hand wipe ours with one of those dust attracting type cloths like Swiffer or similar brands. To keep them from getting AS dusty though, I do have one good tip that has seemed to help. Once you have them clean and fully dried again, wipe them with a dryer fabric softener sheet. This helps to eliminate static so your blinds won’t attract as much dust.

    • That’s a great idea Marisa…I have heard of those Swiffer things but never got one for mini blinds. I am going to add it to my list. Perhaps if I dust them every week that will keep them from getting so grimey the next time around. I will also try the dryer sheet tip too! Thanks!