I hate driving through Pennsylvania mountain tunnels!

Pennsylvania mountain tunnels

Hubby and I took a mini vacation last week and got out of the city for a few days and headed up north. We took a beautiful drive west on the Pennsylvania turnpike until right outside of Pittsburgh. We then headed north until we arrived at our resort destination.

The drive along the Pennsylvania turnpike was absolutely gorgeous! We loved seeing all of the beautiful mountains along the way and it was a gorgeous drive. However, I am NOT a big fan of those mountain tunnels and we had 3 of those we had to drive through.

They didn’t bother hubby at all (thank goodness he was the one driving) but I have to admit, I hated them and didn’t like them at all and they freaked me out!

Do any of you enjoy them or hate them? I can’t be the only person in the world who hates going through mountain tunnels, right?????