Hubby and I Want to Invest in a Good Home Safe

For the past few months crime has been on the rise here in our community, and I contribute a lot of that to the current economy going on here in the United States. Hubby and I are very concerned about all of this so we have been talking about investing in a good home safe.

Last night, I was online and finally had a few minutes to do some research on home safes and found a really nice online store called Safes A to Z. What really impressed me about this store was the large variety of safes that they carry. They have home safes, gun safes, wall safes, fireproof safes, handgun safes and more!

In addition to all of the types of safes that they carry, their prices are very affordable! Oh and get this, they offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders, every day! I love free shipping deals like that!

SentrySafe Home Safe

Hubby and I want to invest in purchasing three safes, one for our main home, one for our vacation home and one for our rental home. As I was browsing their fabulous online store, I found this really cool Sentry Safe with electronic key lock and guess what? It also provides you 1 hour of fire protection should your home catch on fire. This safe retails for $351.00 and they sell it for only $229.00 plus get free shipping! Now, that is what I call a deal!

I think that Sentry Safe would be absolutely perfect for all three of our homes! I love that it’s sleek looking, compact (doesn’t take up a huge amount of space) and it offers us all of the features we have been looking for.

Do any of you have a home safe? If so, what kind of features does it have? Do you have any buying tips to share with us before we go ahead and make our purchase? We would really love to hear your feedback. Thanks!

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