Tips on How to Prevent Razor Burn

How to Prevent Razor Burn

My husband is going to be 51 years old come October and has been shaving for most of his life. He does some really weird shaving rituals that just make me laugh when I catch him doing them, like making faces in the mirror and singing when he shaves.

With all of that said, hubby has been having some really terrible issues with shaving his face for the past year and a half. You see, as he has gotten older, his skin has gotten drier and more sensitive.

The burning skin, itchy dry patches and tiny red bumps after he shaves, are just out of control. I knew I had to find some help for him since shaving has become his worst nightmare.  I got online yesterday and found some great information on how to get rid of razor burn and found some information that was extremely helpful.

Here are some tips on how to prevent razor burn:

* You should never shave on dry skin. You should always use water and a good shaving cream, oil or shaving soap.

* You should always use a good sharp manual razor or electric razor. Dull razor blades can tear up your skin pretty badly and cause severe razor burn.

* You should avoid applying harsh chemical skin care creams or lotions to on your face, especially right after shaving. Those chemicals can cause even more razor burn on already inflamed skin.

* You should take your time shaving and always shave in the direction of your hair growth.

Here are some tips on how to treat razor burn:

* Once razor burn has occurred you can try a home concoction of avocado paste. (mush up the avocado and mix it with a tad of water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the razor burn area for several minutes to help soothe it).

* If you have aloe gel in the house, you can apply some of the aloe directly to the affected area.

* If none of the home remedies work for you, you can purchase over-the-counter skin care products and razor burn products to help prevent and treat razor burn.

Now that I have properly educated myself on razor burn prevention and razor burn treatment remedies, I can now help my husband overcome this obstacle in his shaving routine.

Do any of you suffer with razor burn problems? If so, how do you treat it?

We would love to hear some tips about shaving and razor burn problems from all of our readers. Please leave your tips and comments below. Thanks!

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