Overnight Trips can be Fun for Teenagers this Summer

Are you looking to send your teenager on a few overnight trips or to a few overnight camps? If so, I have some great information to share with all of you today.

My brother has 11 year old and a 14 year old sons and this summer he is considering sending both of them to an overnight summer camp. He found a great web site online called Tips on Trips and Camps where you can browse a large variety of overnight trips and camps to help make your search to find the perfect one quicker and easier.

There are many great camps out there but you do need to do your research to find the perfect one for your child and their needs and that is where Tips on Trips and Camps comes in. They have a very user-friendly web site that lists various overnight trips and camps that you can take a look at. They also have a section called Summer Advice where you can pick up some great advice and tips on getting through summer and the camp experience.

My brother loves that he can select from wilderness expeditions, teen camps, teen tours, sports camps, speciality camps, sleepaway camps, community service programs, creative and performing arts programs, special needs programs and they even have academic programs for those who prefer that.

Right now my brother is checking out wilderness expeditions because his two boys love to be outdoors doing such activities as rock climbing, hiking, hunting and fishing. I agree with my brother, I think Kyle and Kevin would really enjoy a wilderness summer camp program!

My brother is a little nervous about sending them to a summer camp since this will be their first experience with one. However, he thinks it will be good for the boys to “mingle” with some new kids this summer and to learn some new outdoor activities. Plus…it keeps the boys from turning into couch potatoes during the summer months.

If you are looking for additional information, camp guidelines and recommendations you can check out the American Camp Association too!  

Have any of you ever sent your kids to a summer camp? If so, did your kids enjoy it? Got any tips to share with us?