My Sister Finally Got Moved to Canada
A few weeks ago I told you all about my sister Crystal and how she was moving up to Canada as part of a new job position she took within the company that she works for. Well, it has finally happened…she is now living up in Canada.
In another 2 weeks she will be starting her new job and she is really excited about it. She is still learning about her new city and neighborhood and getting things set up into place.
One thing she is doing right away is getting some legal services done. She has been looking for Barrie Lawyers to help her set up her living will and estate will should something happen to her up there. She told me that good lawyers in Barrie are hard to find but she did find one after asking around. I think that is so smart because she does have a husband and 3 dependent children that rely on her.
Another reason I think this is so smart on her behalf is because once she has hired a Lawyer she will now have one that she can turn to should anything else crop up that she would need legal representation or legal services for. I just love how “smart” she is and she is always so “prepared” for things.
My husband and I have already made arrangements to visit Crystal and her family in late spring (May) and we are really looking forward to traveling up to Canada to visit her. Yeah!