Mean Drivers Who Don’t Stop to Help!
My daughter has a beautiful 3 year old dog named Nellari who she has had since she was a pup. Miss Nellari is part pitbull and part husky mix and is just beautiful! She is such a sweet and loving dog with these beautiful ocean blue eyes. Anyway, Hubby and I call Nellari our Grand-Puppy and we just adore her and we do spend a lot of time with her.
Over the weekend she got out of the sliding glass patio doors and a car hit her. It’s not a serious accident but she did need to be rushed to the Vet during the weekend to be checked out. Once she got her X-rays done and some medications prescribed to her they handed my daughter a whopping $785 bill! What? Holy Cows!
My daughter is a single mother with an almost 3 year old child and pretty much lives paycheck-to-paycheck and she was frantic about this big vet bill. She called a friend who told her to go and find a company who does Payday Loans. She told me that it was a quick and easy process and once she was done, she went back to the Vet’s office and was able to pay the bill.
I never knew such places like that existed but I am glad that there are places who will help you bridge the gap between paydays should an emergency arise.
As I type this blog post today I am really happy to report that Miss Nellari is healing well and my daughter’s sliding glass doors have been repaired. We are hoping that Miss Nellari never escapes through them again and we are very thankful that she wasn’t seriously injured.
With all of that said, I am pretty ticked off that the “MEAN” driver who hit her never stopped to see if she was okay or needed help. This idiot knew he hit her because he laid on his car horn for about 15 seconds, hit her and then drove off like nothing happened. Luckily a passerby was able to snag that idiot’s license plate numbers and hopefully the police will track him down soon about this issue.
I think it is just cruel to hit an animal and just continue driving along like nothing ever happened. ugh!