Home Energy Efficiency Tips
Today I would like to talk to you about some Home Energy Efficiency Tips which I learned about when I stumbled upon the Home Energy Team web site earlier today.
As most of you know…my husband and I purchased an older home back in May 2010 and we rent it out and are using it for additional income. With that said, we have been remodeling it to make it more modern and energy efficient. We all need to be doing more to make our homes energy efficient which helps to save us money and helps to save our world’s precious resources.
One of the things we learned was that our hot water heater and pipes should be insulated and that we could switch out our hot water heater for a more energy efficient one that holds less water and uses less electricity.
Since we are in the middle of replacing the home’s appliances we learned from their web site that we should be purchasing and using “Energy Star” appliances which are readily available out in the marketplace and are super affordable.
I spent a good 30 minutes on their web site learning all kinds of helpful information and tips and I hope you will take some time out of your busy day and go over there and check the site out!
I would also suggest that you check out the Home Energy Team’s services as they can perform a diagnostic assessment and implement cost effective ways on how you can make your home more energy efficient. These are trained professionals who can really help you save money by making your home energy efficient and we all love to save our hard earned money!