Book Review: The Soul Mate Myth by Jean Cirillo, PhD

Today I get to review a new book for all of you and there will be a giveaway for one too! Today’s book review deals with dating, love and relationships and it’s a hardcover book called “The Soul Mate Myth” by Jean Cirillo, PhD and this book is A 3-Step Plan for Finding Real Love! This book has 243 pages and the ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1271-1 and is a self-help/relationship book.

Book Synopsis: Dr. Jean Cirillo arms women with the tools to transform their brain chemistry, in order to combat fear and perfectionism, see love with fresh eyes, set realistic expectations, and identify and pursue exciting and attainable new possibilities for love. Dr. Cirillo reminds single women that real life is not as Walt Disney presented it to be, “In my years as a practicing psychologist I have seen women spend their best years searching for the fantasy Mr. Right, who can never be found because he does not exist. Couples sometimes split because one thinks they have found their true soul mate, only to be sorry later. These observations inspired me to condense everything I knew into this three-step program designed to help women in choosing their life partner.”

Jenelle’s Review: This hardcover book is presented to you in 3 steps or large sections of the book and then each section/steps has smaller chapters. Step One: is a Reality Check: A toolkit for understanding how bad you’ve got it and is broken down into 3 smaller chapters: (a) Great Expectations (b) Your Brain on Love (c) The Fear Barrier. In Step Two: Rewiring Your Brain – Teach Yourself How To Love you will find 2 chapters called: (a) Letting Go A Little (b) Grieving For The Mythic Man. Step Three: is Rebuilding Your Ideal Man – Setting Standards Without Settling and is broken down into 3 chapters called (a) Authentic Relationships (b) The Main Ingredients (c) The Little Things You’ll Love.

It took me a little over a week to read this book…it is a smooth and easy read and really easy to understand. Matter of fact, the further I got along in the book, the more it all made sense to me. As little girls we all believe that we are “Princesses” and that some day when we grow up we will meet our perfect “Prince” and live a Fairytale life…as we all know, that rarely if ever happens. Every relationship has trials and tribulations and often times it is because we are all searching for the perfect “man” and the perfect “relationship” and the truth is…there is NO perfect man and NO perfect relationship. I really enjoyed reading this book and it has taught me a lot. I am going to read it again later next month when I have more time. It’s a great book on love and relationships!

Giveaway: One lucky winner is going to win a copy of this hardcover book! It is will be postal-mailed to the winner after the giveaway closes.


Hill has personally reviewed the product listed above. Jenelle has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Jenelle did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. The Two Classy Chics are not responsible for delivery/shipping of giveaway items won from this blog nor are we responsible for mis-use or injury caused by items won from the TCC Blog. Copyright 2010-2012, All Rights Reserved.