Increase Your Curb Appeal With Rain Chains

I love my house. It is one of the nicest ones on our street. I have a gorgeous tree in front that my neighbors are jealous of and my landscaping is very pretty, green and low maintenance. But as you know owning a home is a lot of work.

Each spring and fall there is a lot maintenance that goes on at my house. We don’t get snow thankfully but we do get quite a bit of rain. What was weird was when we purchased the house many years ago, it did not come with gutters. Call me ignorant, but I thought all homes had gutters. Apparently not.

Several years ago we added some nice aluminum gutters to the house and had them painted to blend in. Now they look nice, but don’t handle the job efficiently at all. They leak and overflow, a lot. One of the things that I would love to add to our house would be some gorgeous rain chains. I have seen them on homes and they just such a wonderful sight and really add to the curb appeal of the house.

There are so many different styles that I have been having a hard time choosing the best one for my home. There are japanese rain chains, copper rain chains and link style chains. All of them would be fabulous hanging off of my gutters catching the overflow and creating a beautiful sound. I think I am leaning towards that copper because the color change of the metal as they age would blend in so beautifully with my house.

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