The Kid’s Lockers at My Grand Daughters Preschool

My little grand daughter started preschool last year and absolutely loves it! She loves her teacher and she loves being with all of her little friends who are in her class at preschool. As grandparents we are welcome to visit her preschool any time that we like and it is fun going in there and participating in some of her classroom activities.

The one thing I really like at her preschool is their childrens lockers because each kid in her class gets their own locker which I think is fabulous! Our grand-wee-one can put her rain boots, jacket, sweater, naptime mat, backpack, etc. all in the little kids lockers so that their items don’t get lost.

The kids are allowed to access their lockers 3 times a day…once in the morning, then before naptime and then again at the end of the day. Some of the kid’s even have their little locker space decorated or have their names on them.

I think its great that her preschool has lockers for kids in their classrooms as it helps to keep things organized and the children learn to respect each others property by not messing with another kids locker or belongs.

Does your child go to preschool and if so…do they get their own little locker there?

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