Do You Control Your Tribes?

A relatively new site has been making a splash lately around Twitter. I am sure you have heard of it. Triberr is the name and sharing tweets is the game. And a game it has become.

After joining Triberr, we founding some awesome giveaway and review groups to join and share like tweets with. For several weeks, as we adjusted to the tweet stream, getting thrown in twitter Jail a few times, we have settled in with some normalcy…. to a degree. There are some quirks to being in several Triberr groups that we have found out along the way.

Triberr has become a delicate balancing act that should be controlled. Besides being put in Twitter Jail if you tweet to much during a full day or during a particular hour, you also have to control the types of tweets that are coming out in your stream. In joining several tribes, we found many, many un-relevant tweets that we debated on how to control.

If we decide to delete the tweet, who are we going to piss off? Many tribe mates get really mad if you are deleting their tweets, not thinking about the relevancy issue at all. My Twitter followers are my bread and butter, so my first responsibility is to have tweets go out in a fashion that they will enjoy and be interested in. We also engage them in conversations and not just have hours of tweets roll all day long. That is a great way to lose followers.

How many tweets are going out is an issue too. We found our self in groups where coupon moms and daily deal posters abounded. Instead on posting one or 2 content rich posts a day, we were/are bombarded with upward of 10 posts about one individual coupon deal by many of the bloggers. So we chose to delete certain ones, especially if eight different bloggers are blogging about the same dang deal. OOPS! Pissed off people again! We ended up removing our stream from one group and that has cut down the amount of postings, but there are still some out there that we have to manage on a daily basis.

As usual, there will be problems with personalities. If I choose to delete a post that I find is not something I feel MY Twitter followers will enjoy or if I choose to delete 10 coupon deals from the same person a day, that is my choice. I do tweet out many coupon deals from those that do it right… gather many together and call it a roundup or something like that. Our blog does not focus on coupons so I have no dang reason to publish coupon deals every 10 minutes.

The same goes for linky’s. While some of our giveaways are entered by other giveaway blog owners, 90% of my Twitter followers are following us to see what the contests are so they know what they want to enter and they have no concern with, or even knowledge of, a Linky.

Other problems with personalities lies in that there are people who do not tweet out anyone else’s tweets for whatever reason. Okay, we let that go for a while, but now it is obvious that there is an issue…. are they only looking for someone to tweet your stuff and grow your followers or do you hate me for some unknown reason? Hell, I don’t even know most of my tribe mates before joining the tribes, but BS does abound in the blogging world, so it could happen… Heck, there is even a leader of one of the tribes that doesn’t tweet my stuff. So why was I invited in? To get your own tweets sent to my followers? Ya…. not anymore.

Overall, we enjoy what Triberr does, can do and will do in the future. It is the control issue that has me worried and all of the delicate balances. I feel that we post relevant content based on the Tribes that we are in – giveaway and review tribes. Shelly and I both take time to go in and deal with ones that clog our Twitter stream with Winner Posts, sponsored posts and 10’s of coupon posts an hour and other things our readers are not interested in. Heck, I have even read things from other bloggers that are BS posts meant to lead others astray … sorry, deleted.

What I do not understand is why other tribe members do not take a few minutes of each day and monitor what they are publishing into the Tribe and go and delete things that are not of importance to a majority of others tweeting for you. You still have people on your feed that will get your winners posts and other stuff… and they are the ones that want to read it.

I am sure with this post, I am going to piss more people off, but I feel it has to be said. Tribe members need to take responsibility for what goes out in the GROUP, not for your own personal satisfaction.

With that said, Shelly and I are looking forward to meeting and getting to know many more of our new tribemates and hope to have a lot of new friendships developed. We really are helpful, extremely knowledgeable, nice and really are not B*tches ROFL!

Feel free to express your feelings. Thanks and happy Tribing!