Use Eco-Friendly Rubber Mulch For Your Landscaping Projects

Hubby and I have been working on our landscaping for the past 6 months and we have been trying to spruce up our front and back yards while trying to be eco-friendly while doing it.

We stumbled upon a online store called Rubber ecycle and had a really good learning experience while browsing their site. This company produces eco-friendly rubber mulch that can be used in residential and/or commercial landscaping and it makes the perfect mulch for playgrounds.

The rubber mulch is a unique rubber granule that is made from 100% scrap tires so it is a great way to keep rubber tires from filling up our landfills and using them in a way that is attractive and eco-friendly to our environment. You can place this mulch around your trees, bushes, shrubs and flower beds without getting all dirty and it’s easy to use.

It is effective and helps to control weed growth and it won’t blow away when high winds are in the area. It is non-toxic, odorless and minimizes dust…and we all need less dust in our lives. Another thing I like about the rubber mulch is that you can get it in colors to match your home or landscaping projects, I think that is pretty cool!

I think rubber mulch is the way to go around here because we always get hammered with nasty summer and/or winner storms and our landscaping can be a real mess. I think this is the answer to our problem, it’s cost effective and it’s eco-friendly…all things that are important to us.

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