How To Increase Your Odds At Winning Mommy Blog Giveaways

Love entering the giveaways on Mommy Blogs? Looking for a few tips on how you can increase your odds at winning even more Mommy Blog Giveaways? If so, I thought I would share a few tips with all of you today.

When entering any giveaway you find on a Mommy Blog you need to make sure that you ALWAYS do the mandatory entry first! Most of the times this requires you visiting the sponsoring company’s web site or completing some type of task like “liking them on Facebook” or “signing up for the sponsors newsletter” etc.

Next…you will want to complete the bonus entries and you will want to complete ALL of them if you can. To increase your odds at winning you will want to make sure you have a Facebook Page, a Twitter account and a blog. Why you might ask? Well…you will earn bonus entries into most of the Mommy Blog Giveaways but “liking” the company on Facebook, by “liking” the mommy blogger on Facebook and the same goes with liking them & following them over on Twitter. Facebook and Twitter are both free so make sure you have an account on both!

Now…I also recommend that you set up a free blog and you can do that on WordPress or Blogger…but if you are just going to use your blog for entering giveaways then the easier of the two would be blogger. To earn extra entries into most mommy blogger giveaways you can earn them by displaying the mommy blogger’s web site button on your blog (or web site) and/or by blogging about the giveaway on your blog site. When you write about the giveaway to earn those bonus entries you always want to make sure you link back your blog entry (write up) to the mommy blog who is hosting the giveaway and you also want to make sure you throw in a link to the sponsoring company too! Your blog entry does not need to be lengthy…just 2-3 short paragraphs and your done! It is IMPORTANT that these links are LIVE links and that there are NO typos in the links!

One final tip…most mommy bloggers allow you to tweet about the giveaway that you entered over on Twitter every day to earn a daily entry into their giveaway. So look at it this way…if the giveaway is running for 14 days and if you tweet about it once per day for those 14 days…well then…you can earn 14 bonus entries just for completing that one task! Wow!

So as you can see…if you really want to win a lot of mommy blog giveaways…completing those bonus entries really do add up and increase YOUR odds of winning more frequently!

Happy Entering & Good Luck!
