Do You Bake? Gourmet Foodie Products

Do You Bake Foodie MixesI have a rather new direct sales company to introduce you to today. Do You Bake? is full of wonderful things to bake, cook and create. They make an extensive line of simple yet delicious beer breads, scones, biscuits, brownies, seasonings and dip mixes, with new items being developed constantly. All of the items have natural ingredients with none of the fake or chemical products. Do You Bake offers an extensive line of delicious easy to make dry mixes (you just add the wet ingredients) that are super easy to make and taste delicious.

The Review
I was contacted by Independent Rep Melissa Phillips to try out a few products for you. Melissa and her business go by The Roaming Cupcake. She sent me 3 samples of things to try for you. I received a Brownie mix, a Beer Bread mix and a Chocolate Silk Seasoning mix. I was excited to try out some new products for sure.

I mixed up the brownies as directed and baked them off and in the mean time, I softened some cream cheese and mixed in the Chocolate Silk Seasoning. I was a bit leery about this and I am pretty protective of my chocolate and I certainly never had it as a savory item. The brownies came out and while cooling I tried the Chocolate Silk. They recommended it with breads, muffins, as icing on cupcakes, etc.

I was surprised really. I was expecting a sweet flavor but you get more of the cream cheese with some chocolate. It was not sweet and I really enjoyed it. I used some pretzels to dip into it. I also liked it on crackers as a spread. This is a versatile spread and can be used many different ways. Very good.

The Brownies came out okay. They were more cake like than I enjoy. I like my brownies gooey and chocolatey. But they had a decent flavor and next time I need to change how I mix them. It was kind of weird as there was no liquid that called for being added so I was unsure how they would come out. The batter was super thick. Very interesting!

The third item I received was the Beer Bread. I was not able to make these as directed as I had no beer in the house. Kind of disappointing but when I do get them made, I think they will be good. The ingredients sound great!

The product line at Do You Bake is varied and a lot of the products look really good. I would love to try more. I like that there are no yucky additives and they even have a health conscious line with whole wheat items. They even have a pet line so you can make Fido his own healthy treats!

If you are looking for a business for food lovers that involves food and good 100% natural products, you may want to check out the opportunity with Melissa and Do You Bake at The Roaming Cupcake. Its a great way to turn your love of food into an income producing business.

I would personally like to thank Melissa for hosting a giveaway here on the Two Classy Chics Blog.

Disclaimer: Chris Carroll has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. All information contained herein is copywrite of The Two Classy Chics and Shelly HIll & Chris Carroll. All rights reserved