ChopSaver Lip Balm Products for Musicians
Today I would like to introduce you to the company called ChopSaver who makes a fantastic lip balm for musicians. This all-natural lip care product line was formulated by a musician for musicians. Even though this product line was created for musicians, the all-natural lip balms are also used by patients with chronic medical conditions or those who experience drug side effects that cause lip dryness. Doctor’s across the nation recommend ChopSaver lip balm as a superior moisturizer due to its all-natural ingredients, healing properties and non-petroleum-based formulation.
ChopSaver can be used by patients who take Isotretinoin which can cause excessive mouth and lip dryness. It can be used by people who suffer with fever blisters & cold sores and patient’s have reported that ChopSaver gives them quick relief. For those with wheat allergies and Celiac Disease, ChopSaver is gluten-free. The ChopSaver Gold features a SPF 15 for outdoor protection all year long.
My Review: I have an 11 year old nephew who plays the trumpet and the drums. He loves music and I must say…he is pretty good for an 11 year old! With that said, he often gets extremely chapped and dry lips from playing the trumpet so I contacted the great folks at ChopSaver about letting him do a product review for their lip balms.
ChopSaver sent us 2 lip balms to try out. We received the original ChopSaver lip balm and the ChopSaver Gold with SPF 15. Cameron was really excited about his little package once it arrived & immediately came to fetch it. I sat down with him and read the brochures that came with the lip balms to him so that he could understand what they were all about. Before he even left my home…he had his ChopSaver on! The first thing he said was that he liked that it didn’t have any “girly flavoring” in it LOL! Off he went to go to Trumpet practice. Later that night he called me to tell me that for once his lips didn’t stick to the trumpet. You see…we have tried other lip balms and they are too waxy and sticky and his lips would stick to the trumpet. I told him to keep trying the lip balm and to call me in 2 days for another report. Just like clockwork, he calls me to tell me that he likes his new lip balm and that his lips are not peeling anymore. I asked him what he thought and in 11 year old boy language he said “Auntie, your balms rock”. LOL ChopSaver also sent us the Gold with the SPF 15 and Cameron has been using that one when he goes outside to play or to school. Regardless, he now always has a ChopSaver in his jean’s pocket or his school backpack.
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Overall Impression: As you have just read, Cameron loves his new ChopSaver lip balms and thinks they rock! LOL He likes that they don’t have fruity or food flavors as he thinks that is girly. He said his lips don’t stick to the trumpet and that they are no longer peeling nor are they sore anymore. I guess you could say that Cameron gives them a big 2 thumbs up!
You can learn more about the ChopSaver lip balms by visiting their web site. We would like to thank ChopSaver for sending us the 2 lip balms for our product review. We highly recommend that you check out this wonderful company and their products.
Disclaimer: Shelly has reviewed the product(s) listed above and was not compensated monetarily for her review. Shelly’s thoughts and opinions are honest and unbiased. When Shelly reviews a product, she does not guarantee the sponsor that she will give it a favorable review. Shelly believes in honesty, ethics and integrity in all of her product review write ups. Please read the Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy for the TCC Blog for additional information. All information contained on the TCC blog is copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved.