Product Reviews – The Do’s and Don’ts of Promoting Your Reviews on Twitter

One of the hottest ways to market any type of written online product review is to promote that review over on the social media networking site Twitter. As a product review blogger…I can tell you first hand that I get a slew of traffic by marketing my reviews on Twitter. With that said, there is a right and wrong way to promote your review on Twitter. Let’s take a look at the correct way of doing it.

1. Set up a professionally looking profile page. This page should include an avatar of either yourself or your site’s logo. Your profile should state that you are a reviewer and it should have a link to your web site. There are company’s and brand ambassadors who cruise Twitter looking for PR bloggers to get involved with. When they stumble across your profile page you want it to look professional and you want it to be filled out correctly.

2. When you write up your Tweets to send out to those who are following you, the message should include the name of the product and it should state that it is a review. For most of us who have been doing this a long time, we will put “Product Review for XYZ Company” at the beginning of our message.

3. You should include the hashtag of #productreview some where within your message (Tweet). There are people and company’s who will search out that hashtag keyword on Twitter so make sure you use it.

4. Don’t bombard your followers with too many tweets in a short amount of time. You should spread out your messages over several hours. You can do this by downloading various Twitter approved tools such as TweetDeck or HootSuite and pre-schedule them to send out when you are not online. You should never send them out less than 3 minutes apart because people can’t read them that quickly. Furthermore, you should not pre-schedule Tweets to go out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

5. You need to get chatty and converse with your followers. If you do nothing but advertise your reviews and never chat or try to connect with those who are following you, you will be labeled as a spammer. Folks do want to read what you Tweet but they also want to converse with you.

6. Spread your wings and follow other reviewers on Twitter. Often times they will re-tweet your message if you spend some time re-tweeting theirs. It’s a great way to reach other’s who normally don’t follow you nor read your tweets.

7. Companies like to know that you are doing your job and promoting them and the review that you have written and most like it when you copy them on your Tweet. (often times, the company will re-tweet your message when you copy them on it).

8. Concentrate on sending out your Twitter messages during the prime time busy hours so that more people will be online and will see it.

When you promote your product reviews correctly on the Social Media networking site Twitter, more people will view you as an expert at what you are doing and they will visit your site to read your reviews. If you do it the incorrect way, you will be labeled as a spammer and that is not your objective for marketing your reviews on Twitter.

This article was written by Shelly Hill, copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved. This article is owned and copyrighted by The Two Classy Chics.