What Does A Product Reviewer Get Out Of Writing Your Product Review?

What Does A Product Reviewer Get Out Of Writing Your Product Review?

As a professional ghost writer and product reviewer, I am often asked by others what do I get out of writing and promoting product reviews? When I answer people, It is not one simple reply.

As a product reviewer, you are paid one of two different ways.

1. You are sent a product from a particular company to review. This means that you try it out, wear it, use it or consume it and then write up a professional looking review about the product. You need to remember to write an unbiased and honest opinion about the product you are reviewing. With this type of product review, your only payment is getting the product for free.

2. You are sent a product by a company to review plus you receive monetary compensation for your time. This is just like example number one…except you are also paid for your time.

As a person who reviews products for various companies, I can tell you that this job is not easy. It takes countless hours to use the product, write the review and then to promote the review for the company. In my case, I promote the reviews that I write on my web site, Facebook, Twitter and various other online social networking sites.

As to what I get out of writing product reviews, I get all kinds of free products for myself and my family. These products can be free food, beverages, games, bath and body products, candles, home decor, clothing, toys…you name it! As a product reviewer you can also get free business services or free travel rewards, really…the sky is the limit with free products and business services!

The next time you are thinking about contacting someone to write a product review for you and your company, please take into account all of the countless hours it takes for us to use your product, write the review and then promote the review that we have written. Please reward us accordingly, offering us a $5.00 free product, isn’t worth our time and our effort in writing a professional review for you.

Shelly Hill is the Co-Owner of the Two Classy Chics Product Review & Giveaway Site with her partner Chris Carroll. Shelly and Chris have been marketing businesses online for the past 12 years and both are professional article marketers.

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