Giveaways Here On TCC Blog
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Furthermore, You must complete the mandatory entry before doing the bonus entries. We do check each and every entry to make sure they are valid. Any unvalid entries will be deleted or rejected.
In addition, please make sure you post your email address with your entry. You can disguise it to look like JaneDoe(at)aol(dot)com or Jane Doe at aol dot com to limit email snatchers. If you don’t post your email address, it needs to be clearly posted in your blogger profile. We will not spend hours hunting someone down to notify them that they won a giveaway. Failure to post email address with at least one of your giveaway entries, means you will forfeit your prize.
You will have 72 hours to respond to winning email prize notifications that we send out. After 72 hours, we reserve the right to redraw a new winner using
Thanks for your cooperation,
Shelly & Chris