Are Cheap Diamond Deals Really Worth It

Are cheap diamond deals really worth it?  To answer this question, we need to consider what the diamond stands for.

That it’s a gift of love is something we are all familiar with. Whether it’s because of a crafty ad campaign or the historical evidence to support the tradition of giving a diamond to the one you love, the diamond is quintessentially the perfect engagement gift. But it also makes a great graduation present, a coming of age gift, a treat for yourself for that fabulous promotion. In such a situation, the stone makes as much as a difference as the gesture itself. Why would you then choose a cheap diamond? If it’s a gift that’s to mark a significant event, then it must be a stone that is worthy of the occasion. From this angle, a cheap diamond makes no sense.

A cheap diamond deal is also a bad idea when you consider the 4Cs. The basic measurements by which a diamond is gauged is cut, color, carat and clarity. A cheap diamond compromises across all these parameters. It could have lower clarity, may be cut imperfectly making for a lower brilliance, may have some cloudiness in appearance and may be flawed. These flaws put your stone at risk, making it easier to break, chip or shatter. A small chip or crack in the surface of the diamond could lead to a big loss.

Are Cheap Diamond Deals Really Worth It

If you’re going to give someone a cheap diamond, or you receive a cheap diamond from someone, it may be time to revalue the relationship! A cheap diamond makes sense only as a half-hearted attempt and not much else.

A cheap diamond can also be an issue when you’re looking at a diamond as an investment. For starters, cheap diamonds may not have certification and authentication- a must for re-sale. Worse, if it’s been bought at a place that’s not certified or recognized, then chances are it might not even be a diamond of any value. Secondly, cheap diamonds don’t re-sell well. So the sum of money you’ve spent earlier, no matter how small or big, isn’t recovered at all.

Where a cheap diamond makes sense is when you look at one as inexpensive, not cheap. For instance, when you look at the 4 Cs, you can consider an inexpensive option when it comes to carat size. A size lower than a round number makes a huge difference in price and not such of a discernible difference in size. Similarly for clarity, you can go down a rung or two from the top grade and it will be fine.

You may also want to buy a smaller less expensive diamond depending on what your budget is. This makes a lot more sense than overspending and regretting. The best part of an inexpensive diamond? You can always trade it in for a newer, bigger one. So, if you’re looking to give a special gift, but do not have all the resources for it, a small, less expensive diamond is okay. Make sure that no matter how much you spend, it is bought from a place that is reputed and carries proper certification.


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This makes complete sense. A diamond should fit the occasion.

  2. Susan Hartman says

    Good advice. I only have 1 diamond which my husband gave me 45 years ago. Its beautiful.