3 Healthy Oils to Use Regularly

In 2017 it is more important than ever to take care of your body, mind, and soul. There are many ways that one can go about self-care ranging from physically challenging workout routines, to days spent at the spa or salon, or cheaper methods of meditating or using essential oils to relieve stress and infuse calmness into the body. In fact, there are many great ways to use oils to enhance your overall wellness, sense of self, and positive attitude towards life. In this article, we will share a few of our favorite healthy oils to use regularly.

1. Lavender oil. Used by many to help them get a good night’s rest, lavender oil can also be used to relax, heal wounds, reduce stress, help with headaches, and restores skin to a youthful complexion. While it is one of the most versatile of oils, many do not use it as regularly as they should. The reason for this is that it can be quite expensive if purchased in a potent and pure form. Because of this, people tend to use it sparingly or in other forms such as in a spray bottle. For example, instead of adding a few drops of highly potent lavender oil to your bath water before bedtime, some choose to spray their sheets with the perfumed liquid. The spray gives a desired effect once inhaled through the nose whereas the oils seep into the skin during the bath time.

2. Eucalyptus. If you are prone to problems such as asthma, sinus infections, or pneumonia, the eucalyptus essential oil is likely to help you a great deal. The reason for this is that researchers have been able to prove that eucalyptus can stimulate the blood vessels and cause them to open which allows for the flow of more oxygen into the lungs. Depending on the potency, some prefer to use it in digestive form whereas others use it as a topical reliever. Some choose to use this type of oil in a diffuser so that they can breathe in the fragrant air. However you choose to use this essential oil, it is advised that this oil is not used on children, nursing, or pregnant women.

3. Canabidol. If you often experience bouts of anxiety, depression, or live a highly stressful life, this oil has been known to assist with the ramifications of such a lifestyle. Made of hemp, the oil is known to help relax the body and mind, reduce anxiety and depression, and increase socialization with others. Offered in a variety of forms, this oil can be taken in caplets or injected into the check. The oil can be applied topically and is known to be highly effective. While made of hemp and derived from a cannabis plant, it is not known to give you a “high” effect.

No matter what healthy oils you use to assist you with various ailments or to help you live a more fulfilling life, be sure that you follow the recommended dosage instructions to obtain the best results.