Happy July 4th 2015

4th of July https://twoclassychics.com/2014/07/happy-independence-day/

Happy July 4th (Independence Day) to you all!!!

Got any fun plans for the holiday weekend? I don’t know about all of you, but I like it a tad better when July 4th falls on a Friday or a Monday…then we get a 3-day weekend out of it! ha!

We are doing some camping or should I say glamping over the next few days. We love to spend time outdoors during the summertime camping, swimming, hiking, gardening…whatever. Here in the northeast, we take advantage of the summer season as much as we can!!!

Plus…in 9-10 weeks a new little one will be joining my family…so we are trying to enjoy as much as we can right now being outdoors before Jaxon arrives.

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the holiday.




  1. Like Sandy Cain, we saw some fireworks from the house but didn’t venture out in the crowds. It was our anniversary weekend, too, so we enjoyed having a long weekend to relax and spend together.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday! 🙂

  2. Sandy Cain says

    Saw some fireworks from my window last night, over the park. We usually stay in on holidays, and we did this year too. Glad you are having a good time and preparing to meet Jaxon!

  3. Happy 4th of July! Had some great fireworks tonight after a good BBQ with friends.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I hope you will all enjoy this weekend too. we just spent time relaxing with family – no special plans.

  5. We don’t have any big plans for the weekend just trying to stay cool as it has been 108 degrees here. Hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday.

  6. Happy 4th to you too!!! Getting rainy here but it is still a great long weekend!!!!

  7. Happy July 4th