Gardening: Growing Succulents

One of my best friends has a knack for growing plants. Everything he touches thrives and looks so amazing. I just love spending time poking through the garden. One of the things that he has been working on is succulents. He has been expanding his collection and even propagating some too. They are so cool.

Gardening: Growing Succulents

One of the neat ones he has is this succulent that reminds me of a ribbon. I cannot find the name of it, but it looks so neat! These plants are perfect to grow in so many climates and indoors too. I wish I had his talents! LOL Do you enjoy these types of plants?


  1. Barbara Montag says

    I have so much difficulty trying to keep the succulents.
    I think it’s because of too much watering.
    They prefer to be more dry.
    I’d like to try a small indoor garden of them again.

  2. Tamra Phelps says

    I have to admit, I do not have a green thumb! I have actually killed cacti! (By watering them, lol. I just could not believe they didn’t need some water.) That plant in the photo is a new one to me, but it does look like a ribbon!

  3. I love succulents, although I don’t have any now. Several years ago, I had a small office with a south-facing window, which I filled with succulents of all kinds. They grew like crazy! I was very sad when I left that job. I brought some of the plants home with me, but none lasted very long. I’m not familiar with the type in your photo, but it’s pretty cool.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    That is a very interesting looking plant. I don’t have your neighbor’s gift for growing plants, but I try to grow a few indoors with some success.

  5. Margot C says

    I adore succulents and now with the SoCal drought I love them even more!

  6. I had many when I lived in Colorado. Very dry there but although my plants loved it, my eyes hated it and always had dry eyes.

  7. Oh my – that is one of the neatest looking plants I have ever seen. I do like succulents because they are so unique and it is always surprising to me when they flower.

  8. ellen beck says

    Succulents and I have never done well for some reason I dont know. I can throw a seed down and it grows, and have aa green thumb but succulents are beyond me maybe it is our climate. Love the plant it does look like a ribbon.

  9. Succulents as a general rule are pretty easy to take care of. They store water in the leaves and are good for dry climates.

  10. mycraftingworld says

    These are the kind of plants I grow the best. Your picture is very interesting. I first thought it was green pasta.

  11. so smart! wish I can make one of this one day…it’s one of a kind